Making a Difference with the Rotary Club of Leesburg VA

The Rotary Club of Leesburg VA is a volunteer organization that works to promote knowledge and service in the local community. The mission of the club is twofold: to develop knowledge as an opportunity for service, and to provide club service that strengthens fellowship and ensures the proper functioning of the club. Rotary clubs around the world are dedicated to making a difference in their communities. From Panama Norte and Westchester (Los Angeles) organizing a global grant to bridge the digital divide in Panama, to Rotary clubs in Belize, the United States, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom working together to help Puerto Ricans rebuild their homes and hearts after Hurricane Maria, Rotary clubs are making a positive impact.

The Technology Committee of the Rotary Club of Leesburg is committed to helping members achieve Rotary's goals of fellowship and community service. With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide, Rotary International is the world's first service club organization. The Rotary Club of Leesburg VA is dedicated to making a difference in its local community through knowledge and service. By working together, members can make a positive impact on their community and beyond. The mission of the Rotary Club of Leesburg VA is to provide an opportunity for members to develop knowledge and use it for service. Through this mission, members can make a positive impact on their local community and beyond.

The Technology Committee works to ensure that members have access to the resources they need to achieve this goal. The club also provides fellowship opportunities for members. Through social events, meetings, and other activities, members can build relationships with each other and strengthen their commitment to service. This fellowship helps ensure that members are able to work together effectively towards achieving their goals. The Rotary Club of Leesburg VA is committed to making a difference in its local community through knowledge and service. By working together, members can make a positive impact on their community and beyond.

Willard Meidlinger
Willard Meidlinger

Hardcore web specialist. Evil social media scholar. Freelance social media enthusiast. Incurable musicaholic. Incurable bacon maven. Lifelong musicaholic.