Unleashing the Power of Youth: The Rotary Club of Leesburg VA's Programs and Initiatives

Community service is an essential part of the Rotary Club of Leesburg VA's mission. For decades, the club has been actively supporting various organizations in Loudoun County, such as INOVA Loudoun Hospital, Women Giving Back, Loudoun Hunger Relief, Mobile Hope, and the Backpack Coalition Foundation. During the holiday season, they even wrap presents for Mobile Hope to ensure a fun vacation for children in the community. The Rotary Youth Exchange program is another initiative that the club is involved in.

This program allows students between the ages of 15 and 19 to travel abroad for cultural exchanges from one week to a full year. Every year, around 8,000 students participate in this program. The Rotary clubs of Panama Norte and Westchester (Los Angeles) have also organized a global grant to bridge the digital divide in Panama. Rotaract is another organization that the Rotary Club of Leesburg VA supports.

This leadership, professional development, and service organization is for young adults between 18 and 30 years old. It has more than 7,100 clubs in 163 countries and geographical areas. The club also operates in Belize, the United States, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. Rotary Interact clubs are another initiative that the club sponsors.

This service organization is for young people ages 14 to 18; there are more than 11,200 clubs in 162 countries and geographical areas. Through these programs and initiatives, the Rotary Club of Leesburg VA is helping to unleash the power of youth by providing them with opportunities to learn about different cultures, develop their leadership skills, and give back to their communities.

Willard Meidlinger
Willard Meidlinger

Hardcore web specialist. Evil social media scholar. Freelance social media enthusiast. Incurable musicaholic. Incurable bacon maven. Lifelong musicaholic.