The Rotary Club of Leesburg VA: Partnerships for a Better Community

The Rotary Club of Leesburg, Virginia has a long-standing tradition of providing service to its community and beyond. From donating laptops and interactive whiteboards to local schools, to offering meals to families staying at the Boulder Crest Retreat during the holidays, the club has been actively involved in giving back. This year, the club has taken on a new initiative by partnering with local businesses and organizations to further its mission of promoting global understanding, goodwill, and peace. The club's first partnership was with Boulder Crest Retreat, a project that provides support for veterans and their families.

The Rotary Club of Leesburg was able to provide meals to families staying at the retreat during Christmas and New Year's weekends after a corporate sponsor objected. The Boulder Crest Retreat staff was grateful for the club's enthusiasm and ability to fulfill their request. Rotary International is another organization that the Rotary Club of Leesburg has partnered with. Rotary International's mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and promote global understanding, goodwill, and peace by partnering with business, professional, and community leaders. The 1.2 million Rotarians who make up more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world share their commitment to the ideal of giving above oneself. The Rotary Club of Leesburg has also partnered with LAWS (Loudoun Shelter for Abused Women).

Valerie Beaudoin spearheaded this initiative by organizing donations from its members. The club also supports students by finding outstanding students to support and train. During a club meeting on June 19th, Ron Rust took members on a virtual tour of Antarctica. The club has also partnered with Purcellville Baptist Church to celebrate the lives of Marshall and John Thon Majok. Members gathered with Marshall's family and other friends at the church to pay tribute.

The Rotary Club of Leesburg Foundation and club members generously contributed to the Loudoun Cares challenge. In addition, five Rotarians visited Karen Hampton's second-grade classroom as part of a Veterans Day celebration. They thanked the students for their letter and drawings sent to all members of the Rotary Veterans Club of Leesburg. Finally, the club organized a successful networking evening at Palio's in Leesburg on May 14th. The Rotary Club of Leesburg is dedicated to providing service to its community through partnerships with local businesses and organizations. Through these partnerships, it is able to further its mission of promoting global understanding, goodwill, and peace.

Willard Meidlinger
Willard Meidlinger

Hardcore web specialist. Evil social media scholar. Freelance social media enthusiast. Incurable musicaholic. Incurable bacon maven. Lifelong musicaholic.